Am I a chuckold?
Backing out of my parking space I thought again what a waste of a Saturday morning, there really wasn’t enough business on Saturdays to justify opening the doors even for half a day and there are so many more things I could be doing. My mind wondered back to two days earlier, New Years Eve and what a unique one it had been. When we had decided to stay in build a fire, celebrate with a bottle of wine while watching all the festivities on the tube sounded pretty dull but nice for a change and much better then the obligatory hang over of new years days past. I really don’t know if it was just the right amount of wine, the fire, the kids being gone, the very pleasant time we were enjoying or a combination of it all but my suggestion of going to bed and being in the middle of sex at midnight had been very favorable received, it had been a long time since the sex had been so hot or lasted into the early morning hours. Turning into the driveway I couldn’t help but hope Cindy was in the mood for a little afternoon delight.