Honey, What does a woman want from a man- Confidence, Sense of Humor, Manliness, Domination, Protection, Physical compatibility. Sexual satisfaction, strong genes and of course an enormous cock. And who do you think has all this?
Do I have to spell it out? White women are built for black men, as simple as that. Why is it so hard for white men to get it. The only thing you have is money. I needed you to take care of me. But, now that my black bull has promised to pimp me out to black strangers. I’m gonna make shitloads of money.
It seems a bit harsh to charge black men for plundering my voluptuous body, something I savor immensely and have found to be my calling in life. But, hey anything to get independent from a sissy white man.
I advise all white women out there to get independent, and listen to their womb
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