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Yeah Im the one

Im the girl from my town who sought out and fucked every black guy here. Theres a lot of white women who look to me as if I’m crazy or something, I’m just off the chain as my black sex partners would say. The black guys get me off so hard I just can’t help myselfYeah Im the one

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Is this normal – interracial sex story

My girlfriend and I met four black guys at the beach last night while here on vacation, we all went to breakfast and wound up back here here at the condo. The black guys were all well muscled and we found that they all had huge cocks once things got (really) started. My girlfriend here had her first anal sex last night, I’ve had anal before but only once with a white guy so that may not count. I reluctantly sucked one of the black guys cocks after he pulled it out of my ass but my girlfriend here chose not to. The both of us had at least one of the black guys cum inside our pussies, I had one of the black guys cum in my mouth and I swallowed it, she said she didn’t but you know how that goes maybe so maybe no plus the pre-cum thing. The one thing I’m sure of is that both of us wound up with plenty of black cock cum on the outside of our bodies, mostly our breasts, tummies, faces, and I got some in my hair. The main point that I want to make is that both of us actually came, we’ve both only had white boyfriends and we both have white boyfriends back home, but what they don’t know won’t hurt them, I’ve got to much to loose. We both agree, the black guys that we fucked all came (a lot) and they tasted much better than our white boyfriends we’ve had in the past.Is this normal?

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