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My horny wife loves getting fucked by bbc & being there slut

My wife is a sexy redhead that loves bbc. When she goes out she usually wears a short dress. This night she had get little tight fit purple dress on. He came and picked her up & they went to eat and then dancing. They went to this one club that was very crowded. They danced and had some drinks. Needless to say she was pretty drunk but having a great time. She said they were dancing during this one song that he was behind her grinding his bbc against her ass. She said she liked feeling him all hard & was loving it. Not to mention that she was grinding back on him. She said her pussy was wet & she was wanting him bad. After the song they went back to the bar & she sat down in a chair. He put his hand on her thigh and was rubbing it but it wasn’t long before he was massaging her pussy. She was loving it. Then about that time he suck a couple fingers in her pussy and was fingering her right there at the bar. She was soaking wet by this time and she looked down at his pants. His cock was bulging out. She ask him if he was ready to go. So they left and went to the car but that was as far as they made it. They got in and he leaned over and was fingering her. His hands was soaked as they kissed she reached over and pulled his cock out. She leaned on over and started sucking his bbc. He was moaning as she sucked it. Finally enough play he said he was ready to fuck her pussy. So she came across the seat & he took her straps off her shoulders as he started to play with her tits. She felt his bbc right at her pussy as he sat down on it she let out a ahh, ahhh as she was fucking him right there in the car. She was riding his bbc. As they made out right there. When he took me home it was late around 3 in the morning. I gave him a kiss then he reached over as we were horny again. So I fucked him in the driveway if our house. He cum in me to many times to count. What She didn’t know is that I was watching through the blinds. When she came in she was out of breath and well used. She went straight to the bathroom then got in the bed. I rolled over and put my arm around her and ask how things went. She said it was great and had a good time. I started messing with her he had fucked her well and feeling how wet her pussy was I know she enjoyed it. She said that he told her that her body was made for bbc. So what does everyone thing. Lets here your opinions. My horny wife loves getting fucked (more…)

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My Girl

This is My Girl, Mid-Twenties, 34DD, Thick. Recently i Expressed with her a desire to watch her with another man. I Suggested a Black guy who we know just Throwing it out there. Shes somewhat in shock but even so did bring it up to him to which they agreed not to(Damn). Either way he and Many Guys are constantly complimenting her and being suggestive so maybe one day? Would love to See her with a Black Guy. Thoughts on Her?My Girl (more…)

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Sexy Mexican wife

I have fantasized for a long time but my wife is a goody good. I told her long ago that I fantasizes but it made her uncomfortable she doesn’t watch porn and she only played along once years ago saying that she would suck and fuck a black guy and let him cum in her.Sexy Mexican wife (more…)

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ShitColdNot interestinglyHotReady to cum (4 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)