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I am a cuckold husband

When my wife had her last lover we went this route and it was quite an experience for both of us! She had talked about doing it many times in the past but this was the first time she actually followed through and did it for an extended time. For several years she has admitted that vaginal sex with me was unsatisfying and that she only did it for my pleasure and to “reconnect with me”. As a result, whenever she had a lover she would frequently deny me sex for a few days before meeting with them and there were stretches of several weeks where she just wouldn’t want to placate my selfish desires. However, when she had her last lover he was quite dominant and made it clear that he really didn’t like for her to have sex with me. She gladly accommodated him and informed me that she had no choice but to cut me off. Of course this just added to the thrill of the cuckold relationship and the tension just made everything better for both of us.

To be honest, once you realize that you aren’t satisfying your wife sexually anymore it is easier to want her to find her sexual satisfaction with another and to allow her to avoid the chore of pleasing you. I truly want her to be happy and by knowing that sex with me (other than oral which she loves for me to give her) is not pleasing her, and is even distasteful at times, makes me want to avoid putting her through any act that she doesn’t want to participate in. It is her body and she should enjoy anything that she allows to happen to it. Besides, denying me sex only heightens the power exchange that we both accepted in our relationship many years ago!

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Big Booty Latina

I’m Marcos and I’m from Los Angeles. This is a picture of my wifes big booty. She works as a receptionist in a packing warehouse and the workers are predominately black. I know she gets hit on a lot by the guys at het work especially the black guys. She used to tell me how rude and straightforward they were and would always make comments about her big ass. Lately she hasn’t complained but a couple aquaintences who work there told me she’s gotton really friendly with some of the black guys there especially some guy named Terrell. They’ve even been spotted leaving together but she’s denied most of the allegations. Should I worry? Please give your honest opinions. I came across this website totally by accident and it popped up on the search history. Not my history! It’s only me and my wife go figure.Big Booty Latina

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20 yoa wife after 9 inch black cock

I let two of my Black Friends fuck My 20 YOA wife in a hotel for 5 hours. She was cummed in 8 to 10 times over 5 hours in both he ass and pussy and a each once in her mouth. They each had dicks over 9 inches and very wide. She really enjoyed it even after words she said her ass and pussy felt like she just had a kid. She just let them have every hole any way they want to, and she wants to do it again20 yoa wife after 9 inch black cock (more…)

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