Years ago we lived in some apartments in a predominately black neighborhood,neither of us actually wanted to live there cause it was low income and a high crime area. Black guys from the local gang would always be outside playing loud music and drinking. I would later find out that they ewould always try and talk to her and hit on her when I was at work. One day I came home eearly and walked into the apartment and she wasn’t there,after searching for her I decided to go to the building laundry room out back. When I walked outside towards the back a couple of the guys tried to talk to me with needless conversation,when that didn’t work I proceedes to walk toward the back. J Rocc was his name,whistled really loud and I wondered why. About ten seconds later my wife came from around the back holding a laundry basket looking flustered and nervous when she saw me what really shocked me was that she had a small tanktop with no bra and some of her tiny cloth shorts with most of her ass hanging out. Here’s the kicker,right behind her tryn to walk away from the laundry room towards the little parking lot was Monster(that’s what they called him). He was about 6’1",220 pounds and bodybuilder big. Very muscular and ripped and the darkest shade of black. He was always on and out of prison. He wore a tanktop,Jordan shoes and some Jordan basketball shorts but the thing was he had about ten to eleven inches of semi hard dick which was very prominent under his shorts. I later found out that my wife would make a habit of coming outside to do laundry or rinse the concrete in very small shorts and tanktops and that a few times the brothas would smack her ass when she would walk by. I heard from neighbors. She of course denied everything insisting that black guys were too loud,roudy and unattractive. WTF? She still won’t admit to me she wants BBC. I’m now curious to see her with a huge,dark BBC but she don’t know
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