hey all 🙂
I wanna hear your stories and experiences
how did you feel as a couple before, during and after your wife took a black cock for the first time. did it make you want to do it again after? has anybody done it for the first time and then never wanted to do it again? how did it effect your relationship or marriage afterwards?
my husband has this fantasy and has fantasied over it for a while, he told me about this about two weeks ago now give or take.. ive come round to the idea as im open minded, but before this ive never ever felt the need to sleep with any other man, or even thought about it, so in all honesty when my husband told me it was quite a shock. as I say im open minded and love to try new things so just after all experiences!! maybe meet some new couples after this and chat etc
any men with bbc? tell me how it was to do a wife for the first time whilst husband was there?
last question.. would I be good for bbc? (more…)