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Slut sw big black cock

Need another Black Cock to fuck her! I’m half asian and half white and put it down, but we’re freaks and we want another to join us so we can both put it down on her and beat her pussy up and make her scream like never before! we live in so cal and Seattle so if you’re in one of those places hit me up and we’ll try to work something! Slut sw big black cock (more…)

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My hot wife likes to fondle a thick dick

When my wife and I fuck, we like to fantasize about her getting banged by a group of black guys. Of course, they all have huge cocks and I have to watch while she gets blacked. She enjoys the fantasy and gets off to it big time with a very wet pussy. She has a soft black dildo but can’t get it in her pussy yet (no kids so she’s a little tight!) so she likes to fondle and have it forced in her mouth. She looses her mind when I do that to her.

But recently she admitted that she really ‘would’ like to be fucked by a hung black cock and has been getting off to it when she masturbates. She just likes a big swinging dick in her hand she says. I don’t have a problem with that but I was a bit shocked at the actual truth of it. I admit though, it gets us both very horny talking about it. We now only watch interracial porn as the cocks are always big and thick and she definitely likes that!

She has a great body and face for 46 but like most women thinks she’s either a little fat or needs to loose weight etc, but she is a perfect woman! She’s mature but young in mind, enjoys sex, has a perfect shaved pussy with great ‘lips’, dresses attractively and loves to fantasize. Please tell her what you think of her body and give her/us something to fantasize about!! I know she’d really like to know how big your cock is for her to fondle or maybe….?.My hot wife likes to fondle a thick dick (more…)

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ShitColdNot interestinglyHotReady to cum (9 votes, average: 4.44 out of 5)