As hosted by: @bigblackbull76
Interview with: @beenblackened (QoS VIP #4)
Hometown: Somewhere in Missouri
Nationality: 100% All-American WhiteGirl
Status: Married / BBC Slut / Queen of Spades
BBB76: Hi there BeenBlackened. Thanks for sitting down and taking the time to have a little chat and answer a few questions with the BigBlackBull QoS VIP Club host with the most gracious BBC to boast from coast to coast. I’ll lead in having everyone in the club raise up their champagne or liquor glass to toast to you and free drinks on the house for as long as your a member of the QoS VIP lounge. We all definitely would love to know a little more about you and me especially (wink, wink).
BEENBLACKENED: What an honor it is to be chosen for this QOS interview on B2W. My husband and I love this site and all the wonderful friends we have meet here. Thank you again BBB76
BBB76: So without further ado, lets kick this off. At what age did you begin the lifestyle of having sex with Black men?
BEENBLACKENED: I didn’t have my first black cock till I was 35 so I was a very late bloomer. But I sure have made up for over the last 15 year
BBB76: Did your first experience with a Black man live up to your expectations?
BEENBLACKENED: It was amazing! It was like having my cherry popped all over again! The white guys I had been with before that were all at least 3″ shorter and thinner.
BBB76: Why did you begin the lifestyle of having sex with Black men?
BEENBLACKENED: Well my first was a co-worker who kept hitting on me and asking me out to lunch. Then one day he asked me and I said yes. So after a few lunch dates and getting to know one another better we went to his place instead for lunch. I knew what was going to happen and yes I wanted it to! Like I said in the previous question it was amazing . After that I was hooked and that started my years of cheating on my husband with BBC till my hubby got on board with the lifestyle!
BBB76: Were you always attracted to Black men or did it develop later, and what were the things that made them attractive to you?
BEENBLACKENED: I grew up in a time it wasn’t good at all to be scene with opposite color and my family was strict. I went to a high school that the majority of students were black. So I had quite a few friends in school that were black but my parents didn’t know. I was attracted to a few of them back then but never gave in to my desires other than making out now and then at a football game or party. What a mistake that was! I could have been enjoy black cock much earlier like a few of my girlfriends at the time.
The color contrast is a huge turn on to me seeing my white skin and his dark skin mixed together nothing like it. Of course the size both length and width and last but not least is the way they can fuck!
BBB76: How do you let potential Black men know you are available?
BEENBLACKENED: Mainly the way I act when around them being very friendly and showing them that I’m available. My QOS jewelry and the way I dress and when I’m on the dance floor I love to tease them
BBB76: Are you exclusively fucking Black men?
BEENBLACKENED: Mostly yes I have a steady lover right now. Every now and then if I’m in the right mood hubby will get some.
BBB76: Do you wear QoS jewelry, tats and do you wear them out in public? Would you get a permanent QoS Tat?
BEENBLACKENED: I have a QOS anklet that I wear all the time and I have used temp tats but not much. I have thought about a permanent QOS tat and even hubby has mentioned it but just haven’t gotten around to it. I really don’t know where I would want it. I’m up for suggestions
BBB76: Getting a permanent on your ankle and on your ass and tit is the best way to let a Black man or Bull who can decode the symbol know what your preference is for deep hot sexual chocolate’ babe.
What are some of your favorite IR sites, or porn sites other than Blacktowhite.net which we know is the best of course?
BEENBLACKENED: I go to Iloveinterracial.com and xhamster but since I started on here over a year ago I’m in love with BlacktoWhite and hardly go to those others anymore.
BBB76: Did the overall experience with bringing a Black man into your relationship and sex life make it better or worse?
BEENBLACKENED: Since my husband got into it with me several years ago our relationship is so much better now it’s hard to believe that this lifestyle could do that after 28 years of marriage it’s better than ever!
BBB76: For the hotwife, what advice do you have for other women considering this lifestyle and how do you manage it with your husband/boyfriend?
BEENBLACKENED: Well if your already thing about that means you want it! Just make it happen and if your husband is already asking you have to do it and if he’s not start with some interracial videos and let him see how turned on you get and go from there you might be surprised. Ladies you don’t know what your missing believe me! I have turned several girlfriends of mine into it and they are so much happier now
BBB76: For MR. BEENBLACKENED to answer, what advice do you have for other men considering this lifestyle and how do you manage it with their wife?
MR. BEENBLACKENED: Start slow with her like watching some interracial movies may be do some fantasying in bed with her and making her feel comfortable with the idea. Just go slow and if she’s even got a hint that she would want to that means she does. It might take some time. I didn’t have to do the work my wife already did.
BBB76: For the couple to answer together, what things do you require or look for in choosing a Black Bull to play with?
BEENBLACKENED: A nice polite athletic man that knows how to treat a woman in public and can devour her in bed. Husband has to be present the first date and after that it’s up to the wife. I’m/she is a take me to dinner and go out to the club kind of girl.
BBB76: Any Blackmen or BlackBulls you would like to name that you had fun with and what was fun about the experience with them?
BEENBLACKENED: John who was my first and started me down this wonderful road all those years ago. Derrick who is my lover at the moment but there’s a long list of others.
BBB76: Thanks for sitting down and taking the time to do this interview with me for another hot tale from a QoS VIP Lounge. I’ve enjoyed working with you on this one a whole lot.
BEENBLACKENED: It was a pleasure and an honor again Thank you BBB76! . I’m always ready to play!
Hot @beenblackened action videos:
Great interview keep up the good work!
I can see she is ready for everything i will love to fuck her.
Great photos and videos…and a great white marriage.
You’re doing what all white couples should be doing.
very nice
I absolutely loved that last video. I want that bbc now.