As hosted by: @bigblackbull76
Interview with: @Ann4BBC (QoS VIP #5)
Hometown: Birmingham UK
Nationality: 100% All-British WhiteGirl
Status: Married / BBC Slut / Queen of Spades
BBB76: Bub..bub…bub….buuuyaaah! Whats happening out there to everyone.
Its now 2016 and welcome back to the QoS VIP Lounge. We have another very real sexy
woman and her hubby who are members of our very own BtW community sitting on the lounge couch and ready for a little Q&A with your host the BigBlackBull76 and a New Years Champagne toast out to everyone out there from coast to coast and all over the world.
So Mrs. & Mr. Ann4BBC, thanks for sitting down and taking the time to have a little chat with me and free drinks are on the house for as long as your a member of the QoS VIP lounge. Everyone has been waiting to see who was going to be next to sit for this interview so without further a-do lets get a chance to know more about you.
Ann4BBC: Thank you BBB76 for choosing us for an interview, we are very proud! I myself have been an active member on the B2W site for last few years. It’s a great site, I have learned a lot about the IR lifestyle and made some great friends on there.
BBB76: Very nice intro. So we always start off wanting to know at what age did you begin the lifestyle of having sex with Black men?
Ann4BBC: I was a late starter, didn’t start having sex with black guys till I was 46 in 2013.
BBB76: Hey babe a flower doesn’t bloom until its own due time, and not before. You don’t rush nature so your right on time. Did your first experience with a Black man live up to your expectations?
Ann4BBC: To be honest, my first experience started off a bit tricky, but ended great. Hubby and me decided to find a guy in a nightclub rather than online. Looking back this was rather naive and we were lucky really.
Anyway I met a nice guy, got chatting, he asked me back to his place, I gave hubby the address and went back with the guy. Hubby waiting in the car around the corner.
I was quite nervous and was dry down below, so it took a while to get going. The guy, however, was nice, patient and worked on me down below. So eventually his big cock went in great. I relaxed then and the sex was brilliant. The size and the stamina of the guy was something I had never experienced before! The thrill of fucking a black guy I hardly knew, with hubby outside, was amazing. Hubby and me had agreed on no condoms, so I orgasm-ed as the guy had cum in me!
Going back to hubby was nerve wracking too. Would hubby be pleased? Turned on? Or have changed his mind and be angry and jealous? I shouldn’t have worried. He was excited and so turned on, especially when I showed him my cum filled pussy. We had sex when we got home and it was fantastic, it clearly turned hubby on!
BBB76: Very wild indeed. Yes that was fortunate that it turned out to be a good first experience as you kind of rolled the dice on that one. So why did you begin the lifestyle of having sex with Black men?
Ann4BBC: It was hubby who got me into it really. It had been a turn on for him for years and he had asked me to consider it for some time. Our bedtime role play included a lot of fantasy about fucking black guys and he used a 8 1/2 inch Doc Johnson black dildo on me.
As the kids had grown up, and we had more time on our hands, I began to think ‘why not?’ So I said I would go with a couple of guys mainly to please hubby and for the experience. I loved it so much though, and hubby was happy with me doing it, so I just carried on.
BBB76: Wow, I hear so many guys tell me the same story about how they dream of the day their hotwives would go black and see a BBC fuck them really good and here your showing everyone that dreams do come true and they can happen to you (like the song) . So were you always attracted to Black men or did it develop later, and what were the things that made them attractive to you?
Ann4BBC: I have always been BBC curious, but probably would never have tried it if not for hubby. With me though, it’s not just the size that attracted me. Black guys seem to ooze sexual confidence, and the ones I have experienced seem to be able to get an instant erection and have great stamina. The fact they are good looking and fun company helps!
BBB76: I see, yes Black men do ooze sexual confidence and alot of it stems from our prowess and intelligence in the bedroom. The black men that are packing downlow and are hung know they got some good pipe (Big Cock) game and can put it on a woman so we walk like a man who is worth million dollars. At least that’s what some woman always said about me when they saw me walk into a room for the first time.
So how do you let potential Black men know you are available?
Ann4BBC: Well at first we mainly used clubs where white girls and black guys hung out. I was just flirty, making it obvious I was interested. Then I started using temporary Queen of Spades tattoos on show which made it more obvious. Quite early on though I got a permanent QoS tattoo done.
BBB76: Dam you didn’t take long to convert fully over and get a QoS tat huh. Very nice my dear . Are you exclusively fucking Black men now?
Ann4BBC: Yes, just with black guys. I prefer them for the reasons I stated above and sex with black guys turns me and hubby on. Oh, and I fuck hubby now and again I suppose!
BBB76: Thats my good QoS slut, Black men are the only guys you need. Breaking off hubby every now and then is fine as you should reward him for being a great supportive guy toward ensuring you receive the greatest pleasure you could ever possibly experience with as much BBC as a white woman could receive until her hearts content.
Do you also wear QoS jewelry, tats and do you wear them out in public?
Ann4BBC: I actually got a Queen of Spades tattoo done permanently quite early on. After I started fucking black guys I wanted to carry on. I wanted to show commitment to this lifestyle and attract BBC so I had a QoS tattooed on top of my left ass cheek so I can hide it or show it when I want. I was self conscious about it when I first had it done but soon became proud of it!
It has helped attract black guys, some know what it means and start talking. Others come and ask what it means, I tell them ‘it’s the Queen of Spades, look it up!’. They do and then come back smiling and excited! A great conversation starter.
At the beginning of this year I was seeing a guy who ‘suggested’ I change my hubbys initials that were tattooed on my tit. So now I have ‘BBC’ tattooed on my right tit as well as the QoS on my ass.
BBB76: Getting a permanent tat on your ass and BBC on your tit is the best way to let a Black man or Bull who can decode the symbol know what your preference is for deep hot sexual chocolate’ babe. Also your right it is a fabulous conversation starter not only for Black guys but for other couples who are curious and thats great you tell them to look it up and they return smiling. I like to hear stories of woman and couples encouraging their friends to go black too.
So tell me what are some of your favorite IR sites, or porn sites other than Blacktowhite.net? After all who else is making fabulous interviews of real life QoS women but Blacktowhite
? Fuck Real Housewives of ATL, everyone wants to know, read, and see more of the Real House-hot-wives of Blacktowhite QoSs.
Ann4BBC: I love B2W, the information and encouragement from people on the site has helped me evolve from a shy girl into a slut who tries various different sexual positions and fetishes, posting pics along the way!
I also like Twitter, Master Shango and Hamster Porn sites.
BBB76: Yeah Twitter is fun, and I like Master Shango’s tweets, FB posts, and stories too. Shout out to my Big-Bull soul-brother @Dsoul, Big up and nuff #Respect homey. So would you say the overall experience with bringing a Black man into your relationship and sex life make it better or worse?
Ann4BBC: It has made our sexlife so much better! We have been married nearly 25 years and love each other, but it had become very vanilla. Since we started in this lifestyle we have been like young, excited lovers again. Especially since hubby started watching, which has been a massive extra turn on. To me, a couple could live together for 50 years or more. It’s a long time without a bit of extra spice!
BBB76: For the hotwife, what advice do you have for other women considering this lifestyle and how do you manage it with your husband/boyfriend?
Ann4BBC: Advice I would give any wife is if you really think your hubby won’t get jealous or anything, then give it a go! It’s fun, sex is great and it spices up your sex life and libido so much! Don’t take it too seriously it’s all about fun for all concerned. I have learned to keep hubby fully involved all the way- what guy you’re with, what you’ve done or going to do, let him clean you and have sex with him afterwards, help choose your going out clothes etc.
BBB76: Exactly, I’ve talked with so dozens of couples in real life and your the fifth I’ve interviewed for the QoS VIP Lounge sessions and all of the hotwives have been saying just go for it. So long as both the hotwife and hubby are open minded and all about ensuring one another is pleased, satisfied, and very supportive and caring the relationship would be just fine.
So now a question for Mr. Ann4BBC. What advice would you give to other husbands and boyfriends considering this lifestyle and how do you manage it with your wifey/girlfriend?
Mr. Ann4BBC: It’s important the husband lets the wife know that he wants his wife to do it as its sexy fun for both, not because he no longer fancies or loves her. Also the husband must remember to not talk about IR 100% of the time, have nights when it’s just the two of you having fun. Remember each other’s feelings in all this.
BBB76: I’m glad that you stressed the importance of the men remembering to re-assure their wives that they still love and support them not any less but even more. I think many women are so hesitant from dipping their feet into the dark waters of the lifestyle for the fear of how their hubby/bf may feel afterward. Will he still love me, look at me the same and what if he doesn’t? The men can do more to reassure their women that it their feelings won’t change.
Now for the couple to answer together, what do you look for in selecting a Black man to meet and play with or a Black Bull. Any Blackmen or BlackBulls you would like to name that you had fun with and what was fun about the experience with them?
Mrs. & Mr. Ann4BBC: Good question. We have changed how we choose over last couple of years. We started out in nightclubs and just looked for young, good looking black guys.
Now, however, we use the Internet. Far safer and can take time out in choosing the right guy. We are less bothered about looks now and go for how the guys come across when we chat on Wattsapp, and how they treat hubby. Mutual respect and all having fun is important.
Obviously had great fun with BBB76 on B2W, a lovely bull and would love to play in your dungeon! Otherwise I have to say the lovely guy I’m playing with now – ‘Ash’. He’s a great guy, a great fuck and great with my hubby. Another guy who’s helped with my evolving and agreed to filming our next sex session!
BBB76: I’m glad to hear you guys have a more selective method to screen and pick potential Black men to play with and doing it in a “far safer” way. There are so many who are still novice and clueless as you had mentioned you were when you first started so its good to hear the life lessons you guys learned and are able to pass that on to others wondering on how they should go about getting into this lifestyle.
So I appreciate you taking the time to sit down on the big lounge sofa and doing this Q&A with the BigBlackBull. BIG to my QoS hotwife @Ann4BBC and it was alot of fun. Now enough of all this talking, lets go back in the lounge and have even more hot and naughty fun
Ann4BBC: Thank you for having me BBB76! Really enjoyed the experience! I think I’ve come a long way over the last couple of years and look forward to evolving even more, trying new experiences, BDSM and filming!
Have to say a great interview girl and we read with interest how things progressed in this lifestyle, many thanks for sharing your personal experiences and to BBB76’s time in doing these QoS interviews for the website and members.
Well done guys.
Steve and Sue
This is an excellent interview and great reading for couples to educate themselves by reading what a real BIW couple has experienced. Overcoming fear and living life to the fullest is important and all couples should go for it! Life is too short not to enjoy it to the fullest!
She needs a good fuck in her pussy and her ass and she can give me a good blowjob. And I can cum inside her over and over again. I am Puerto Rican but lives in Meriden, Connecticut.