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Queen of Spades tattoo

White wives wear a Queen of Spades qos body marking to indicate their chosen lifestyle of submitting to black men. When worn in public, black men know from a quick glance that the wearer is down with black men.
It looks like cuckold wife’s signal was read loud and clear tonight…

Queen of Spades tattoo 0 (more…)

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Big black cock is what she needs

This is progress and it is nothing to be afraid of. 100 years ago, white men feared what would happen if women won the right to vote. Today, it is regarded as a basic right and one that benefits all of society. In a 100 years time, a woman’s right to go black will be the same. It’s just the right thing to do.

Think of your own recent emancipation. You were told by society that you should be strong and dominating, but remember how it felt when you put aside societies expectations and allowed yourself to enjoy interracial porn. Remember the pleasure you got from watching those beautiful white women take beautiful black cocks.
Mostly, remember how natural it felt. The feeling of freedom and release to not have to pretend to be a real man anymore. You shook of the shackles society had placed on you and gave yourself permission to enjoy jacking it to interracial sex. You followed your true desires and had the most wonderful experience.

Now ask yourself, what is stopping you from sharing this with your wife? If watching interracial sex is what you need, and big black cock is what she needs then what is stopping you from doing this? Are you going to keep letting outdated ideas rule your life, or are you going to be free?

Big black cock is what she needs

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